Monday, April 11, 2011

Land Freedom Army (Mau Mau) Suit Against The British

"Kenyan nationals, from left, Ndiku Mutua, Jane Muthoni Mara and Wambugu wa Nyingi are claiming compensation for alleged acts of brutality against them by the British colonial government during the 1950s Mau Mau rebellion. Their case opened in London on April 7." Was in Kenyan Paper "The Daily Nation"

"The British justified their imperial adventures in Kenya by saying they set out to “civilise” the natives.
The methods they used were among the most barbarous employed by any occupying power in the last century and included arbitrary detention of populations in whole regions and the torture and murder of thousands of individuals whose only crime was to defend their right to ancestral land."
Those that oppose the master narrative and dominance was dealt with inhumanely and forgotten. Yet those "Nationalist" we know about were just loyalist to the colonial powers which is understandable because history is a set of lies agreed upon and is always written by the victors. Napoleon and Churchill said the previous words. The voices that are silent to those unheard were the true heros who I acknowledge as so. I will follow this law suit against the british to see if there is a victory here for the revolution. 
These men fought for their lands and were mutilated and tortured by the british but when independence came it was the soliders of independence that benefited but instead it was the sons of loyalist chiefs who bought into white superiority and tried to attain white privilege. This explains why Uhuru Kenyatta, the son of the first president and also decent of loyalist chiefs is rich and own lands that doesn't belong to him. His father use to just go and take land from the people. A banker yesterday told me that Jomo use to come to Mombasa and see nice big buildings built and would go to the owner and give him a shilling saying that the property is now his and they couldn't do anything about it. Sounds like familiar....
Mau Mau hid for Months in these caves.

Great place to hide from the British. There are elaborate tunnels that would take them in and out and was pleasantly cool though I must say it's no place for a tall person. 

The tree that these roots belong to is beyond ancient and if it could speak that stories it must know and the things it must have seen. Fascinating. Even in the heart of these gaves you say the roots. Strong Roots here.

Yeah I thought it was my name too. especially from afar. 

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